Archipenko in Italy

Maria Elena Versari, 2021

ML Fine Art is pleased to present the exhibition catalogue for Archipenko in Italy, on view from September 13th to December 10th 2021. The show, in collaboration with Stephenson art, London, and with the support of the Archipenko Foundation, New York, explores the relationship between the work of the Ukrainian-born, American artist, Alexander Archipenko (1887-1964) and the Italian artists who were most inspired by his example, including Alberto Magnelli, Enrico Prampolini, Fortunato Depero, Fillia and Carlo Carrà.


Text was written by professor Maria Elena Versari, of the Carnagie Mellon University. She has published two monographs, Constantin Brancusi (Florence, 2005) and Wassily Kandinsky e l’astrattismo (Florence 2007; French tr. 2008; Portuguese tr. 2011), edited the republication of Ruggero Vasari’s Futurist dystopian dramas L’angoscia delle macchine e altre sintesi futuriste (Palermo 2009) and has written extensively on Futurism, Avant-garde internationalism, Cubism, Fascist aesthetics and architecture, and twentieth-century sculpture. In 2016, she edited and co-translated the first English-language edition of Boccioni’s 1914 Futurist Painting Sculpture for the Getty Research Institute Publications and has co-curated Totally Lost, an EU-sponsored exhibition devoted to totalitarian architecture and urban memory involving 186 international photographers and mapping 300 locations worldwide.

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